
VELIKOROSS slippers “Russian trace” Black White Granite


VELIKOROSS slippers “Russian trace” Black White Granite

Article : 881.1
With the classic combination of black and white colors - it's always stylish. Slippers of such a neutral color are suitable for any clothes and will appeal to almost everyone, so they can be kept at home for guests, given to anyone without fear of not being pleased with the color, and in general, they will fit wherever stylish replacement shoes are needed.
– Comfortable orthopedic soft and comfortable sole.
- Manufactured from the highest quality hypoallergenic material.
– Affordable price compared to Western counterparts.
– Cool designs and colors for every taste.
- With every step you take on the sand and soil, they leave the inscription "RUSSIAN TRAIL" that is funny for you and me and frightens our enemies.
Composition: PVC, rubber.
45-size will fit people with 46 or 47 sizes.

VELIKOROSS slippers “Russian trace” Black White Granite

Dimensions according to GOST of the RF.
With the classic combination of black and white colors - it's always stylish. Slippers of such a neutral color are suitable for any clothes and will appeal to almost everyone, so they can be kept at home for guests, given to anyone without fear of not being pleased with the color, and in general, they will fit wherever stylish replacement shoes are needed.
– Comfortable orthopedic soft and comfortable sole.
- Manufactured from the highest quality hypoallergenic material.
– Affordable price compared to Western counterparts.
– Cool designs and colors for every taste.
- With every step you take on the sand and soil, they leave the inscription "RUSSIAN TRAIL" that is funny for you and me and frightens our enemies.
Composition: PVC, rubber.
45-size will fit people with 46 or 47 sizes.
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Возврат товара надлежащего качества возможен в случае, если сохранены его товарный вид, потребительские свойства, а также документ или иные доказательства подтверждения приобретения товара.
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Возврат товара надлежащего качества возможен в случае, если сохранены его товарный вид, потребительские свойства, а также документ или иные доказательства подтверждения приобретения товара.
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Компания Великоросс

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Производственная компания Великоросс ведёт свою историю с 1991 года. Это дата создания совсем тогда ещё юной, но талантливой творческой команды профессионалов и единомышленников.

Сегодня Великоросс осуществляет полный цикл производства: от разработки инновационных вещей и продуктов, внимательного отбора и закупки высококачественного сырья до организации производства в условиях строжайшего контроля качества.

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